Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, B. Contemporary Life, C. Science, Technology and the Arts, Calendar, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, City and town, Commerce and trade, Communities & Neighborhood, Conflict and conquest, D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, E. Religion, Myths & Legends, Earning a Living, Economic class structure, Environmental Issues & Sustainability, F. Physical Environment, Geography, and Travel, G. Literature, Architecture & Art, Government and Politics, H. History, Government & Economics, I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Mail and letter writing, Morals and values, Oratory and rhetoric, Physical Environment, Climate, Weather, & Geography, School life, Structures, Time, Traditional stories
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedMid-CEFRB2/C1
Our team is developing a new intensive program for American students learning Russian as a foreign language, with a focus on business Russian.
The program focuses on studying proverbs, sayings, and language expressions that reveal cultural and business ethics.
The goal of the program is to immerse students in Russian everyday and cultural contexts, identify similarities and differences with American culture, and help develop skills for effective business communication.
Topic(s): Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
The school's student council announced organizing a vegetable gardening club. Students in the Korean class decided to introduce and share some ideas about vegetable gardening at school in South Korea.
Topic(s): Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability, Public Health
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
Context: An environmental health organization seeks informational material for a Green Diwali to help people stay healthy during and after the celebrations.
Topic(s): Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Levels: IntermediateLow-CEFRA2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
COVID-19 has worsened the waste and recycling programs around the world. You have been chosen by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency to travel to Korea, the second-highest recycling country among the OECD country and study how recycling can benefit our community and the environment.
Topic(s): D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
The environmental organization needs promotional materials to spread the word about the pollution of Lake Xochimilco and the preservation of the endangered axolotls who live there.
Topic(s): Environmental Issues & Sustainability, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedMid
It has come to your attention that some students in your class want to be more “green” and eco-friendly for this school year. Help to set up a system for acquiring/ inventorying a new wardrobe that is ecofriendly and represents various cultures.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability, Geography, Travel
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
An American family traveling to France would like to know more about the less "touristy" destinations in France. They would like your ideas about how to vacation in France with the smallest ecological footprint.
Topic(s): D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Levels: NoviceHigh IntermediateMid IntermediateHigh
The German website "News4Kids" is seeking contributions from students about climate change.
Topic(s): D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
The online kids news website Logo! is planning to do a feature on saving the environment and needs content for its site.