Topic(s): D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Cause and effect helps us see relationships between the environment, life, places, and events.
How have humans affected their physical environment?
Ancient stories, myths, and legends often shape current culture and thought.
How is the unique culture of Mexico today revealed in ancient stories, myths and legends?
How do stories tell us what matters? ( EUs and EQs by Eddy, 2020)
The environmental organization Agua.org.mx needs promotional materials to spread the word about the pollution of Lake Xochimilco and the preservation of the endangered axolotls who live there.
Fill in an SQA chart with things you know (S=yo sé) and things you want to know (Q=quiero saber) about the axolotl. After reading the story “El ajolote de Xochimilco” fill in the final column (A=Aprendí).
I can identify and list facts about the axolotl from a picture book.
With a partner, compare and contrast the information you collected about the axolotl in your SQA charts. Compile the information from both of your charts and categorize the facts into a new chart with three columns: Facts about the animal, Problems, and How to help.
I can compare and contrast information about the axolotl.
With a partner and using your chart, create an educational poster about the axolotl that will educate the viewer about the animal and why it is important to save it!
I can write basic information about things I have learned about the axolotl.
Listen to the song “Ajolote mexicano” on the Biodiversidad website and list 3-5 things we can do to help protect the axolotl, according to the song
I can understand basic information about axolotls in a simple recording (a children’s song).
With a partner, share your lists of important things to help protect the axolotl and debate which activities would be the most effective. Prioritize the activities by noting which ones would be most helpful.
I can exchange information and prioritize it using a graphic organizer.
Using your prioritized list, write a poem, rap or song with recommendations about how to save the animal.
I can write basic instructions on how to save the axolotl.
Listen to the story “Xolotl” on the Biodoversidad website and fill in a story chart with the personajes, the main events of the story plot, and the moral of the story.
I can understand a few details about the axolotl in a simple recording (a children’s story-audio recording).
With a partner, re-tell the story of the axolotl in your own words and decide on your favorite parts of the story. Tell your partner why you chose that part of the story and why you feel it’s important.
I can re-tell a simple story in my own words using a graphic organizer.
Create an educational video with images, charts, infographics and other visuals plus narration that would explain the plight of the axolotl and enlist the help of the viewer to save it.
I can write a script for a video about the axolotl with a story and informational component.