Ladder for Morality Uncategorized
By: Breidy Ortiz Gonsales (Queens College)Topic(s): E. Religion, Myths & Legends, Ethics, Morals and values
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
A group of researchers are running a trial to see what are the main aspects that people define as moral depending on their cultural background.
Attitudes towards Death Uncategorized
By: Yuting Zhang (University College London)Topic(s): Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, Morals and values
Levels: IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2 AdvancedMid-CEFRB2/C1
You are journalists of festival column of a magazine and this week's topic is the memorial of death. You need to collect information across cultures regarding different culture practices and attitudes towards death through different forms.
What do social institutions teach us about a culture? Uncategorized
By: Julie Gangai (Gates Chili High School)Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Morals and values
Levels: NoviceHigh IntermediateMid AdvancedLow
The study abroad office at a local college needs to develop reference materials to help students learn about cultural events & societal norms of potential study abroad locations.