Currency & figures Uncategorized
By: Yun Oh (Queens College)Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Earning a Living
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
I am planning to visit Korea and use Korean banknotes.
How do I distinguish different currency units of banknotes?
Prospective occupations have changed over time. Uncategorized
By: Jemimah Han (Queens college)Topic(s): Earning a Living, Occupations
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateLow-CEFRA2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1
Students will present the various occupations, the causes of change in popular jobs throughout the decades, and the future jobs by AI development.
Clothes and shopping: Dress codes in China Uncategorized
By: Jiaqi Liu (Queens college)Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Earning a Living, Fashion and Clothing, Milestones, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
You are assisting your best friend who is going to attend a job interview in China. You need to give her/him advice in choosing clothes.
Finding the correct job and career Uncategorized
By: Norka Delgado (Floral Park Memorial)Topic(s): Earning a Living, Volunteerism
Levels: NoviceHigh IntermediateLow IntermediateHigh
You are volunteering at a Program for Vocational Orientation in your community which will guide young people about choosing careers and jobs that are suitable for them.