By: Yudy Alexandra Montenegro (Queens College)
Topic(s): E. Religion, Myths & Legends, Folklore, Traditional stories
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
Topic(s): E. Religion, Myths & Legends, Folklore, Traditional stories
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
The Gold Museum in Bogotá, Colombia houses more than 34.000 pre-Colombian gold relics, which is the largest collection in the world. The museum is promulgating “La Leyenda de el Dorado” among tourists with its newest exhibition. For this reason, students are invited to create their own work inspired by the Colombian tribe and their own culture.