Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, Family Life, Fine Arts: Music, Dance, Film, Literature, Theatre, Visual Arts, Milestones
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
Students are invited by the Dia de los Muertos DC (DDLMDC) organization to participate on their festival and educate others about the Day of the Dead and the activities Mexicans do during this celebration.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Earning a Living, Fashion and Clothing, Milestones, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
You are assisting your best friend who is going to attend a job interview in China. You need to give her/him advice in choosing clothes.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Health and Wellness, Milestones, School Life & Education
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
Gaokao is the standardised university entrance exam held annually in mainland China every year. It is considered one of the world's most difficult public exams. It plays a crucial role in determining whether and where the students can pursue a higher education, which has an ultimate impact on their future job opportunities , hence the rest of their lives, daily routines. In other words, the examination system of Gaokao, to a large extent dominates how Chinese students' school life playing out
Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Milestones
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedMid-CEFRB2/C1
High school students from Japan are invited to visit your high school in New York City next month.
Your Japanese class is preparing for the cultural exchange activity (introducing milestone events between Japan and the U.S. to one another) that is to be held at the welcome party.
Topic(s): Family Life, House and Home, Milestones
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedMid
A young adult must decide at what point in life he/she will move out on his/her own. Many factors influence this decision. The factors must be explored in order to make an informed decision.