Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Milestones
EU: The concepts of appropriate ages for each milestone vary greatly from one culture to another.
EQ: 1) Why do people celebrate “milestones”?
2) What kind of social impact do “milestones” have on people’s lives?
High school students from Japan are invited to visit your high school in New York City next month.
Your Japanese class is preparing for the cultural exchange activity (introducing milestone events between Japan and the U.S. to one another) that is to be held at the welcome party.
Watch two important age-related milestone life event videos and answer the true or false questions on the handout.
I can recognize the items and phrases associated with each milestone life event.
Students ask and answer questions in pairs regarding their favorite age-related celebration in Japan.
I can talk about my favorite age-related celebration in Japanese culture.
Students select one of the important ages in Japan and write it out in a calligraphy format using Kanji (Chinese characters).
I can describe the important milestone event in Japanese culture through calligraphy.
Read each text regarding the age-related milestone life events in Japan and match each milestone event with the correct pictures and descriptions in a correct order.
I can understand the descriptions of age-related milestone life events.
In pairs, students discuss their own milestone life events and share their memories with their partner.
I can ask and answer questions about students from the target culture regarding their own milestone life events.
Students work in groups to introduce one important Japanese milestone event and make a brief video about it. The video will be viewed with their peers in the class.
I can share information gathered using a visual/audio aid and give a brief presentation on the important Japanese milestone event.
Read each paragraph regarding the age-related milestone life events in Japan and briefly summarize each milestone event with your own words.
I can understand and paraphrase the descriptions of age-related milestone life events in Japan.
Students compare and contrast how those milestone life events in Japanese culture are similar or different from their own
native cultures.
I can compare and contrast the similarities and differences regarding the important ages between Japan and my native culture.
Students work in groups to discuss about their own ideal milestone events and present their discussion to the whole class.
I can express my opinions about the important and appropriate ages to be celebrated in the society.