The Chinese Way of Leisure Uncategorized
By: Wanmin Guo (CUNY Queens College)Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Leisure, Pastimes
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
You are a vlogger and live in China for a year. Your followers curious about your leisure life and left messages under your channel. You decide to do a series to discuss leisure activities.
By: Chuyan Xu (Queens College)
Topic(s): I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Pastimes
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedMid
Topic(s): I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Pastimes
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedMid
The Chinese club in your school is having a cultural event at which Chinese customs and the Chinese culture will be explained. You have been asked to describe and explain hobbies in China and how they differ from those in the United States.