Language Partner Exchange Resume Preparation Workshop Uncategorized
By: Susannah Bien-Gund (University of Pennsylvania/HIAS PA)Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, B. Contemporary Life, Communities & Neighborhood, Earning a Living, Identity, Volunteerism
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
This is part of a project where adult Arabic-learners in Philadelphia will meet with recently arrived refugee learners of English from Arabic speaking countries to connect and share feedback on applying for jobs in the United States. The AATT described here would prepare learners to meet with their language partners and share and discuss resumes and resume-creation practices in both languages.
Finding the correct job and career Uncategorized
By: Norka Delgado (Floral Park Memorial)Topic(s): Earning a Living, Volunteerism
Levels: NoviceHigh IntermediateLow IntermediateHigh
You are volunteering at a Program for Vocational Orientation in your community which will guide young people about choosing careers and jobs that are suitable for them.