Topic(s): Fine Arts: Music, Dance, Film, Literature, Theatre, Visual Arts
Enduring Understanding: Salsa and merengue reflect the cultural and historical identity of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic.
Essential Question: How does music reflect a culture’s values, history, and preferences?
Students become hosts of a Latin dance music show! They must present and compare two of the most iconic dance styles in the Caribbean: Salsa and Merengue. Then, students will briefly demonstrate how to dance one of the music genres.
Poster of UNESCO- El Merengue, baile y música de la República: https://centroculturaljuanbosch.com/merengue-baile-musica-la-republica-dominicana/
Celia Cruz Infographic:
Salsa- La vida es un carnaval, Celia Cruz
Merengue- El costo de la vida, Juan Luis Guerra
Salsa Instruments:
Students look at a poster on merengue and view an infographic on Celia Cruz. Students also listen to a song of each genre and list the similarities and differences that they hear or identify. From instruments to lyrics of music.
I can identify the differences between salsa and merengue.
Students talk about the similarities or differences between salsa and merengue.
I can discuss the similarities or differences between merengue y salsa with a partner.
Students become the host of their own Music show! With a partner, students will present the similarities and differences between salsa and merengue (5 minutes).
I can present the differences and similarities between salsa and merengue through a music show.
UNESCO- Music and dance of the merengue in the Dominican Republic:
Celia Cruz Infographic:
Salsa- La vida es un carnaval, Celia Cruz
Merengue- El costo de la vida, Juan Luis Guerra
Salsa Instruments:
Students examine a variety of infographics and videos from Spanish-speaking cultures, differentiate the characteristics of merengue and salsa. They organize the information based on the history, instruments, artists, and songs. Students will pose two questions. One for each music genre.
I can organize information about two different music genres.
I can pose questions based on the similarities between the two music genres.
Choose with a partner and come to a consensus on which genre and artists will be the star of your music show. Discuss how history has influenced the similarities and differences between the two genres.
I can explain how history influenced salsa and merengue.
Students become the host of their own Music show! (10 min). They will give an overview of the dance presented. They will talk about at least two major artists, the instruments, and the origin of the genre. They will also draw comparisons between the history of the two. In the end, a brief demonstration of the basics of the dance will be taught.
I can make a presentation using historical facts to compare two music genres.
UNESCO- Music and dance of the merengue in the Dominican Republic
UNESCO brief description of the genre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fautemcgU48
Celia Cruz Infographic:
Salsa- La vida es un carnaval, Celia Cruz
Merengue- El costo de la vida, Juan Luis Guerra
Salsa Instruments:
Students watch videos and read articles on the history and characteristics of salsa and merengue and the evolution of each genre throughout history. They investigate the cultures that have influenced these genres the most.
I can distinguish historical and cultural groups that influenced salsa and merengue in order to understand the origins and evolution of the genre.
With a partner, students analyze the cultural groups that influenced each genre. They support with researched facts their claims and confer about their findings.
I can confer with a partner about the cultural groups that have contributed to the origin and evolution of salsa and merengue.
Students become the host of their own Music show! (10 min).
Students will present salsa and merengue focusing on the cultural groups that have influenced their origin and evolution over time. Students will make historical and cultural connections between the two genres and explain how the mixture of cultures influences their evolution.
I can evaluate the contributions of diverse cultural groups to salsa and merengue and explain how these contributions resulted in the evolution of the genres.