Topic(s): G. Literature, Architecture & Art, Literature, Painting
All artwork can be tied to the subjective experiences of each individual student.
How can I relate artwork to my own life?
The Louvre is reaching out to students all over the globe asking for international works of art with inspiration derived from francophone works. The initiative is to spread a French global understanding while appreciating ideas from different countries.
This is a short poem that students will read to identify specific basic aspects that will show them through poetry one can express themselves.
The students will read the poem with the video and the text in front of them while identifying words that they know or may recognize. Through this, the students will be able to practice their listening skills. Students will answer Qui suis-je? And D’oú je viens?
I can identify the cognates in the poem
I can understand the questions in the beginning of the poem
Students will take the answers that they put down and use them in dialogues with their classmates. It will be in round-robin style. First students will ask each other Qui es-tu in conjunction with Qui suis-je. The same with D’oú viens-tu from D’oú je viens.
I can communicate with my classmates in French
I can express myself in the target language
Students will take to piccollage to then create a little page about themselves using basic descriptive words they’ve learned when asked what they are like. They can also use words from the national identities unit to show the class where they come from in the world.
I can create a mini collage about myself in French
I can apply words from other units to express myself
https://travcoholidays.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Liberty-leading-the-people-The-Louvre-Museum.jpg These two links are of the painting Liberté guidant le peuple. Students will be watching the video and looking at the painting to make the work relevant in their own lives today.
Students will do an edPuzzle linked to the video for the first three minutes. This portion will regard the background history and inspiration for the painting. By understanding the background they will know what symbolism lies within the work. Then students will take a few minutes to analyze the painting, writing down how it makes them feel along with what they see.
I can understand what is being said in the video
I can analyze the painting and connect my emotions to what I see
Students will then be put into groups at random. They will discuss how Liberté guidant le peuple is relevant in their own understanding of American culture whether it be in the history or modern-day occurrences. Students will use phrases like Selon moi, à mon avis et je pense que to express ideas while also using the polite expressions to disagree.
I can ask for information from my group
I can express my feelings about the painting
I can connect information from American history
Within their groups, students will be assigned a particular francophone country and crisis within it to which they will make a presentation recreating their own Liberté guidant le peuple, explaining to the class why they used certain photos and objects.
I can state my viewpoint in French
I can present detailed information about a crisis
This link is to the poem Le chemin de amour by Sabine Sicaud. Within it, there are Si expressions that will help the advanced learner begin their journey into hypothetical situations as they talk about where love and loss are found in their lives.
Students will listen to the poem while on a worksheet containing incomplete text, they will fill in the missing words to the poem. Students will be able to practice their recognition of a variety of tenses such as the present and the imperfect. Students will also be encouraged to highlight and share 3 words they recognized to the class while also talking about the meaning of the poem.
I can understand the underlying message of the poem
I can understand and use Si expressions
L’amour, est-il pour tout le monde? Is love for everyone? Students will be allowed to answer yes or no. Depending on their response they will be put into groups where they create an argument for either yes or no. Students will use examples from the text to support their answers.
I can maintain conversations by providing opinions
I can support my opinions with authentic material
In conjunction with what the students were arguing, they will then be able to go off on their own to create a small 5 lines poem using a Si expression. Students who had previously said no will make a poem based on the premise If love is for me and the students who said yes will do the opposite. Afterwards, a poetry reading will be held.
I can state a viewpoint creatively and read it to my peers