Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Leisure, Travel
Students will understand that different natural environments and geographies affect the type of travel activities that people can do.
How does the natural environment and geography of a country affect leisure activities?
A travel agency is looking for volunteers to travel to different places of Latin America to report their experiences and help write a new webpage with useful travel tips for tourists.
Students watch a video about the Yunque National Forest(Puerto Rico) and a video about Finger Lakes National Forest (New York) and check off words on a list that they hear and then match them with an image.
I can watch a video about a National Forest and identify the animals, the places and the activities in Spanish.
Students share their list of vocabulary and complete a Venn diagram to compare the Yunque with the Finger Lakes.
I can share my list of vocabulary with a partner and compare the environment of two National Park located in different geographical areas.
Students make a poster with labeled pictures to show how the different geography and environment of the Yunque and Finger Lakes affect the possible activities that can be done.
I can present two different environments and describe their characteristics and the different activities that can be done.
Students go on the website to search travel information (lodging, activities, food and recreation, weather) and write down their findings on a word document.
I can go on a website in Spanish to search valuable information to plan a trip to Chile.
Students ask each other questions about their trip and share their information.
I can ask and answer questions about a trip I did in the past.
Students prepare a Power Point presentation about their imaginary trip. Students present to the class and tell about their journey.
I can present information related to a trip I did in the past.
Students watch a documentary about the biodiversity in Latin America and answer comprehension questions about the video.
I can watch a documentary and answer comprehension questions.
Students share their answers and discuss how to preserve the biodiversity of Latin America.
I can share my opinion and discuss how to preserve the biodiversity of Latino America and how to be a conscious traveler and be mindful of the impact and opportunities within travel.
Students write a blog article about how to be a mindful traveler and how to respect the biodiversity of Latin America. Students will write suggestion and possible travel itineraries, things to do, where to eat, where to lodge etc,
I can write a blog with recommendations on how to travel to Latin America in a mindful and respectful way of the biodiversity and peculiar geography of the places.