Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Family Life, Identity
Performance Target: Intermediate High-CEFR B1
In this unit, students will learn vocabulary related to relationships, feelings, marriage, and personality. Students will watch a the short film "Tout le monde dit je t'aime." Learn about connections between the US and France. Review grammar with spelling-change verbs and irregular verbs. Read writer Paul Verlaine's poem "Il pleure dans mon coeur."
Students will use a variety of resources to engage the class on their emotional well-being when it comes to show casing poetry.
There are differences between writing a poem and rhyming song.
Writing can capture and reflect moods and feelings as strongly as other media such as music and art.
1. How do relationships shape my life?
2. How does multiculturalism affect society?
3. How does history affect the present?
4. How do people describe feelings and personal attributes?
5. How do writers express their thoughts and feelings?
In my own and other cultures, I can compare the impact of using the words “I love you.” I can describe the differences and similarities of opinions about politics between Belgian and American youth. I can share my interpretation of a poem with someone else.
Students will read and interpret the poem of Paul Verlaine "Il pleure dans mon coeur". Student will use comprehension questioning and though sharing to come up with their love letter.
Have students write two or more of their own comprehension questions based on the poem. Students work in pairs to answer each other's questions.
Have pairs share their responses with the class.
Students will then form groups of three. They will have the options of writing their own statement about the poem. You have just fallen madly in love with someone. Describe your feelings in a letter to your best friend, or even the person you are in love with. Follow the writing plan.
Communicative Mode |
Formative Assessments during the lessons, aligning Connections, Comparisons and Communities. | Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) | Language, culture, content for each task | Intercultural Competence Can Do's | |
Interpretive Listening |
Listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbh5NV8glhs Connections Listen to the poem Il pleure dan mon cœur on the Supersite. As you listen, write a list of three positive images and three negative images andfeelings that the poem evokes in you. |
I can understand a small biography of a renowned French author. I can analyze the topic and the main ideas of a short poem. |
Review Have students describe the photo. Then ask how the photo relates to the title of the poem. Ask students to make a sketch that shows how they would illustrate the title. Alternatively, students can research photos online. Tell students to create a word web. The main circle has the word "la pluie"; students then write words they associate with la pluie - physical and emotional - in circles around the term. Ask volunteers to write their webs on the board and disscuss the result. Ask pairs to reread the poem and write a paragraph of at least four sentences in French that capture the gist of it. Then have pairs get together to compare their summaries of the poem. |
I can share my interpretation of a poem with someone else. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View https://www.lesvoixdelapoesie.com/poemes/il-pleure-dans-mon-coeur Comparison Discuss your list with a partner and talk about how the different parts of the poem make each of you feel and what images they bring to mind. Then, talk about some popular songs of different genres that the poem reminds you of; after all, many songs are just poems set to music. What images and feelings do these songs evoke in you? Pick one song that you feel particularly strongly about and write four or five reasons why. |
I can have a conversation about sadness and grief. |
Review Ask students to notice and describe the rhyming pattern in the poem. Talk about the effect and the musicality this creates. Ask students what sound is alliterated in the poem - the "p" sound. Discuss its effect. Ask students to find another poem by Verlaine, and then read it aloud and summarize it for the class. |
I can share my interpretation of a poem with someone else. | |
Presentational Writing |
View https://www.lesvoixdelapoesie.com/poemes/il-pleure-dans-mon-coeur Communities Students will be able to connect with their own feelings and emotions. They will be able to reproduce what they have learned and create a song of their own expressing their feelings and emotionals connections with their living situations. |
I can write a love letter with the help of a structured plan. I can write a brief analysis of a poem by answering direct questions. |
Review Ask students to think about another romantic poem with which they are familiar. They should locate a print version for reference. Then have them compare and contrast this poem with Verlaine's. They can look at the following features: the speaker, theme, tone, form, imagery and symbolism, meter and rhyme, and sound. Ask students to finish the analysis with their opinion of each poem, which one they prefer, and why. Ask students to look for a Francophone song that shows their own emotions and feelings. A song that can be interpreted as a poem with rhymes. Record your contest entry. It should not exceed one minute. Summarize the song you selected. Talk about who you think the song is written for, what emotions it is meant to convey, the images it brings to mind, and why it is special to you. (You can write out what you want to say if that is helpful, but make the recording sound as natural and unrehearsed as possible.) |
I can share my interpretation of a poem with someone else. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Connections ACTFL STANDARDS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 5.2 |
I can understand social and cross cultural skills. |
Review Based on the title of the film, the vocaublary they have learned, and the activities they have completed, have students predict what the short film is about. Point out the distance between the two girls. Ask if students think the girls are in each other's personal space. Discuss what this distance implies about the situation and/or relationship. Then ask students to compare this distance to that which is comfortable for them when speaking to another person. Point out that personal distance depends on an individual's culture, relationship, and the situation. As students whats the short fil,. tell them to pay close attendtion to how the girls discuss love and friendship. Is their conversation similar or different from those they have with their friends? Were they surpised by what they observed? Did anything strike them as particulary notable? Have students discuss these questions in small groups. |
I can understand personal distance depends on one's culture and situation. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Comparison Rarely do teens go on dates alone in France. Instead, they tend to go out in groups. |
I can compare and have a conversation about friendship. |
Review Explain students the difference in Formal and Informal speeches and their usage. Ask students to discuss what they do when they go out with their friends. Such as paying for the bill. Explain to students that teens in France rarely go out on dates alone. Instead they go out in groups. Everyone also tends to pay his or her own way, with checks split evenly among participants. For some dinners or parties, each person pays une participation (contribution) to offset costs. Ask students to discuss these practices with others in their group. |
I can understand other's culture. | |
Presentational Writing |
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Communities After students discuss their practices have them compare notes and create a presentational piece. |
I can present and share aspects of other's culture |
Review Have students review their notes and compare each other knowledge of what is to be in someone's personal space. Have students in groups create a small skit with characters from the web to showcase their understanding. Have each group present their skit with critics from other groups. |
I can share my cultural belief and understand others. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Communities Have students create three or more statements from stills from the movie. |
I can understand and analyze a short story. |
Review Review the concept of using " I Love You" in their own culture. Using stills from the movie, how would they justify to concept of " I Love You" Ask students to explain and justify their statements and provide evidence from the flim to support their answers. How does their own personal experience influence their ideas? |
I can share my cultural belief and understand others. | |
Interpersonal Writing |
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Comparison Students will react to "J'aime" |
I can relate to relationships, feelings and personality |
Review Write this prompt on the board: Un(e) ami(e) a reçu un commentaire de sa/son petit(e) ami(e) sur sa page de réseau social. Vous, ses amis, en parlez. À votre avis, doit-on dire "je t'aime" sur tous les réseaux sociaux? Divide students into small groups to prepare a response. Call on groups to write their responses below the promt. After each one, allow the class to react with "j'aime", emoticons, or short verbal responses. |
I can distinguish in French Je t'aime and J'aime vs I love you in English. | |
Presentational Writing |
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s Connections Students will write a short essay comparing themselves to the character of ther movie. |
I can understand and relate to the values of love. |
Review Have students choose the character they mostly relate to. Have students write down that character traits. Have students write down their own traits. After selecting the character they mostly relate to and writing their own traits. Have them write a short essay comparing themselves to the character. Tell them to use personal anecdotes and choose moments in the film that illustrate similarities and/or differences between the character and themselves. |
I can relate to other'c culture. | |
Interpretive Reading |
View https://www.france-etatsunis.org/histoire-de-lamitie-franco-americaine/ Connections ACTFL STANDARDS 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2. 5.1 |
I can read about the connections between France and the US |
Review Ask students personalized questions about their experience with French language and culture in the United States. Have students list the connections betweeen France and the U.S. mentioned in the article. Then have them try to add at least two ideas of their own. Addtionally, students can put the connections in the following categories: historic, cultural, or economic. After reading, have students work in pairs to come up with additional French words and expressions that English speakers commonly use. List additional French words that have been borrowed or transformed by the English language on the board and have students guess their meaning. Examples: espace (space), forêt (forest), honnête (honnest), etc... |
I can relate to the French Culture | |
Interpersonal Writing |
View https://www.wearedore.com/fr/illustrations/paris-vs-new-york-i/ Comparison I love you in the US vs I love you in France |
I can understand the value of I love you in French vs the US. |
Review Ask students why they would say I love you and the reason behind it also ask them in what type of situations. Have students read the article in Pairs. Write down the ways the author speaks about the concept of I love you in America vs France. Have students compare their views to what the article stated. Have them work in Pairs to create and showcase a dialogue in which one is French and the other is American showcasing I love you viewed from each culture's view. For example first a dialogue can be how easy it is to say I love you in the US. Another could be how difficult and situation base I love you is to be said in France. |
I can understand the comparisons of I love you in the US and France | |
Presentational Speaking |
View https://www.wearedore.com/fr/illustrations/paris-vs-new-york-i/ Connections Have students listen to one of Céline Dion's French songs and locate the lyrics. Then have them present the song to the class and explain the meaning of the song with the different concepts of I love you. |
I can understand what I love you means in both culture |
Review Have students view the song catalogue of Céline Dion and select titles representing the value of love in different ways (Parental love, Friend Love, Kids Love, and Falling in Love) Have students work in groups after selecting their song to understand the meaning of love in that song. Have students present that song in front of the class with the concept of love in that song. Then have students compare that concept on how it is viewed in the US in the same situation. Also have students present with it, the side they would have chosen when listening and feeling the emotional connection with the song (Either the American way or the French way) |
I can understand the cultural concept of Love in France and the US. | |
Interpersonal Writing |
Watch https://slideplayer.fr/slide/16518552/ Connections Students will be able to connect the illustration with the title of the poem. |
I can read and understand a poem in French |
Review To make students feel less aprehensive about reading poetry in French, have them bring in a favorite or well known English poem. Talk about the poem's structure (stanza, rhyming, or free verses, punctuation, alliteration, etc...) and its content (imagery, meaning, etc...) Discuss your paragraph with a partner and talk about how realistic the poem can be while still trying to predict what the poem is about and the outcome. Ask students to read aloud the poem. Create a quick sketch and have them explain their sketches. |
I can understand the concept of poetry in French and English. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
Listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PdqtyWbs9A Communities Listen to the poem Il pleure dan mon cœur on the YouTube link. As you listen, write a list of three positive images and three negative images and feelings that the poem evokes in you. |
I can understand and interpret a poem. |
Review After listening to the poem. Give students a hand out of the poem. Have students highlight words they are not familiar with. Ask students the question: Quelle est cette langueur/Qui pénètre mon coeur? Have students work in pairs to evaluate their ideas of the poem and come to a consensus. |
I can interpret a poem in French and English. | |
Presentational Writing |
View https://slideplayer.fr/slide/16518552/ Comparison Students will then form groups of three. They will have the options of writing their own statement about the poem. You have just fallen madly in love with someone. Describe your feelings in a letter to your best friend, or even the person you are in love with. Follow the writing plan. |
I can describe my feelings. |
Review Write an article in French of no less than 200 words on the topic below. Review the film Tout le monde dit je t'aime and reread the poem Il pleure dans mon cœur to get ideas for your article. Read the poem Il pleure dans mon cœur and write a diary entry in French on the topic below. It should be no less than 100 words. D'après vous, quelle est la cause de la tristesse du poète? Racontez un moment où vous avez été très triste. Avez-vous éprouvé des sentiments pareils à ceux du poète? Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait pour sortir de cet état? Students will then form groups of three. They will have the options of writing their own statement about the poem. You have just fallen madly in love with someone. Describe your feelings in a letter to your best friend, or even the person you are in love with. Follow the writing plan. |
I can understand the cultural differences in France and the US when it comes to writing a love letter. |
1. Paul Verlaine's poem "Il pleure dans mon coeur"
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbh5NV8glhs
2. a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NmzZ9m57s
2. b. https://www.france-etatsunis.org/histoire-de-lamitie-franco-americaine/
2. c. https://www.wearedore.com/fr/illustrations/paris-vs-new-york-i/
3. Writing Plan:
Vous venez de tomber follement amoureux/amoureuse de quelqu’un. Décrivez vos sentiments dans une lettre adressée à votre meilleur(e) ami(e), ou même à la personne dont vous êtes amoureux/amoureuse. Suivez le plan de rédaction.
A. Préparation Pensez à la personne à laquelle vous adressez la lettre. Choisissez une salutation, comme: Cher / Chère , Mon amour, Mon cœur...
B. Développement Organisez vos idées. Quels sont les sentiments que vous voulez exprimer (express )? Aidez-vous de ces questions pour écrire votre lettre:
1. Depuis quand êtes-vous amoureux/amoureuse?
2. Que ressentez-vous quand vous pensez à cette personne? Utilisez des métaphores
pour décrire votre état d’âme.
3. Pourquoi aimez-vous cette personne?
4. Pensez-vous que vos sentiments soient réciproques?
5. Quels rapports espérez-vous avoir avec cette personne à l’avenir?
C. Conclusion Terminez votre lettre par la formule qui convient, telle que: Amitiés, Bises / Bisous, Je t’embrasse, Je t’aime, ou Ton amour. Ces exemples vont de la simple amitié au grand amour.