The Chinese Way of Leisure Open
By: Wanmin Guo (CUNY Queens College)
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, I. Daily Life and Societal Institutions, Leisure
Performance Target: Novice Mid-CEFR A1

Stage 1: What are the Desired Result? (Culture Standard)
Unit Overview

In this unit, students will be able to identify hobbies and sports of people around them. And they will be able to express their preferences on hobbies and sports, as well as their family members and friends.

Enduring Understanding

People from different regions in China have their preference on specific cultural leisure activities.

In ordinary Chinese people's view, hobbies should be purposeful that could be embedded in the context of society or work. Any hobby out of this function is useless. Thus, having ‘useless’ hobbies also means the person or the family is rich.

The level of wealth impact how people choose leisure activities. When wealth accumulates to certain level, leisure activities will change accordingly.

Essential Questions

What is leisure?
What is hobby?
What is sport?
What makes a hobby useful and purposeful?
Is important for people to have purposeful and useful hobby?
How do wealth level impact someone's choice in leisure activities?
Does a hobby reveal a person's status?
why is important to develop a hobby?
How does culture influence leisure?

Intercultural Competence

Learners will value and respect others' hobbies and sports when there are culture specific hobbies and sports that are different from theirs.

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Communication Standard)
Context for the Summative Performance Assessment

You are a vlogger and living in China for a year. Your followers are curious about your leisure lifestyle and left messages on your channel. You decide to do a series to discuss leisure activities.

Summative Performance Assessment

Students will read the authentic article first. They they will play Kahoot! to select the person's likes and dislikes of hobbies and sports.

I can recognize different people's likes and dislikes of hobbies and sports.


Students will use WeChat to Interview their partner about his/her hobbies and favorite sports and if they know the hobbies and sports of their family members.

I can ask and answer questions about hobbies and sports.


Students will create a Prezi presentation to introduce themselves and their family members' hobbies and favorite sports.
Then students will present their Prezi in the class.

I can introduce someone's likes and dislikes of hobbies and sports using learned phrases and memorized expressions.

Communicative Mode
Authentic Material URL
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) Intercultural Competence Can do
Interpretive reading
I can identify some basic facts from memorized or familiar words and phrases when they are supported by gestures or visuals in informational texts. I can recognize different people's likes and dislikes of hobbies and sports I can identify hobbies and sports that are popular among Chinese youth.

Interpersonal speaking
I can request and provide information by asking and answering a few simple questions on very familiar and everyday topics, using a mixture of practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences. I can ask and answer questions about hobbies and sports. I can find out preferences for hobbies of Chinese friends and family.

Presentational writing
I can present information about myself, my interests and my activities using a mixture of practiced or memorized words, phrases and simple sentences. I can introduce someone's likes and dislikes of hobbies and sports. I can indicate cultural comparisons and preferences of hobbies.

Stage 3: Learning Experiences and Instruction (Connections-Comparisons-Communities Standard)
Communicative Mode
Formative Assessments during the lessons, aligning Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) Language, culture, content for each task Intercultural Competence Can Do's
Interpretive Listening Watch


Students will watch a self- introduction video of a sports fan and identify hobbies and sports mentioned in the video.
(8 minutes)

I can recognize hobbies and sports when I hear them. Review

每天 (everyday), 昨天 (yesterday), 介绍 (introduce/introduction)


爱好(hobby), 运动 (sport), 跳舞 (dance), 打拳 (boxing), 瑜伽 (yoga), 游泳 (swimming), 骑马 (horse riding), 冲浪 (surfing), 潜水 (diving)


~岁 (~years old), ~年 (~year)

I can identify some common hobbies and sports in my own and the target culture.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students will interview three classmates about their hobbies/sports.
(10 minutes)

I can ask and answer simple questions about hobbies and sports. Review

sb + 喜欢 (like to) + (do) sth 吗?


打电子游戏 (play video game), 听音乐 (listen to music), 踢足球 (play football), 酷跑 (parkour)


你喜欢什么运动?(what sports do you like?)
你的爱好是什么? (what are your hobbies/what's your hobby?)

I can identify some common hobbies and sports in my own and the target culture.

Presentational Writing Watch


Students will make a list of hobbies and sports of their interviewees and their own, a list of hobbies and sports the interviewer and interviewees share in common, and post them on Padlet.
(25 minutes)

I can list hobbies and sports I heard and my own hobbies and sports. Review

sb + 喜欢...... ( sb like...)




运动 (sport)

I can identify some common hobbies and sports in my own and the target culture.

Interpretive Viewing View


Students will watch a video of someone introduces his likes of sports and hobbies without caption and sound. Students will write down the sports and hobbies on their notebook.
(6 minutes)

I can recognize the hobbies and sports when I see them. Review

sb + 喜欢 (like)/不喜欢 (dislike) + sth. 吗?


我 (I, me), 和 (and)


踢足球 (play football), 酷跑 (parkour), 打篮球 (play basketball), 打电子游戏 (play video game), 听音乐 (listen to music), 画画 (drawing)

I can identify how people use their free time.

Interpersonal Speaking View


Students will work in pairs to share what they think the hobbies and sports of the author likes.
(6 minutes)

I can exchange thoughts with my classmate about someone's hobbies and sports. New

觉得 (think)
我觉得 (I think)+ sb + 喜欢 (like to)+ do sth.
你觉得呢?(How do you think?)




运动 (sport)

I can identify how people use their free time.

Presentational Writing View


Students will create captions to introduce the author's likes of sports and hobbies.
(20 minutes)

I can caption a video of someone's likes of hobbies and sports Review

sb + 喜欢 (like/like to) + sth.
我的爱好是......(My hobbies are...)


和 (and), 家人 (family member), 朋友 (friend), 他 (him, his)


踢足球 (play football), 酷跑 (parkour), 打篮球 (play basketball), 打电子游戏 (play video game), 听音乐 (listen to music), 画画 (drawing)

I can identify how people use their free time.

Interpretive Reading View


Students will read the second article (modified) and answer the following questions:
1. “我”喜欢什么运动? (what sport do “I” like?)
2. “我”什么时候做我喜欢的运动? (when do "I" play my favorite sport?)
3.. 弟弟也喜欢什么运动? (What sport does “my” younger brother also like?)
(15 minutes)

I can recognize the frequency of someone play and do their favorite sports and hobbies. Spiral

你呢? (and you? / how about you?)


他/她呢?(How about him/her?)
也 (also)
转呼啦圈 (play hula hood)


周末 (weekend)
天天/每天 (everyday)

I can identify when and how often people enjoy their favorite sports and hobbies.

Interpersonal Speaking View


Students share their answers to their partner.
Students will interview their partner what sports/hobbies they usually play/do on weekend, everyday, and what they did yesterday and if any family member also like that sport/hobby.
(10 minutes)

I can ask and answer simple questions of when I do/play my hobbies and sports. New

sb + 昨天/每天/周末 + verb + object.
sb + 昨天/每天/周末 +喜欢 + verb + object.
我喜欢+ hobby/sport, 你也喜欢 + hobby/sport吗?


你呢? (and you? / how about you?)


也 (also)
周末 (weekend)
昨天 (yesterday)
天天/每天 (everyday)

I can identify when and how often people enjoy their favorite sports and hobbies.

Presentational Writing View


Students will write sentences to describe three persons when and how often they do/play one of their hobbies/sports.
(20 minutes)

I can write in complete sentence to describe when and how often someone do/play hobbies/sports. New

sb + 昨天/每天/周末 + verb + object.
sb + 昨天/每天/周末 +喜欢 + verb + object.


也 (also)
周末 (weekend)
昨天 (yesterday)
天天/每天 (everyday)


爸爸(dad), 妈妈 (mom), 弟弟 (younger brother), 哥哥 (older brother), 姐姐 (older sister), 妹妹 (younger sister), 朋友 (friend)

I can identify when and how often people enjoy their favorite sports and hobbies.

Interpretive Reading View


Students will read two infographics (有兴趣爱好的年轻人,各年龄段年轻人的兴趣爱好主要类别). They need to identify
1. the percentage of the number of hobbies of each age group have;
2. top three favorite hobbies of each age group;
3. three hobbies each age group has in common.
(10 minutes)

I can identify the hobbies of different age group likes and hobbies they like in common. Review



他们 (they)


subject + 都 + verb phrase.
后 (after)
剧本杀 (live action role-playing games)
百分之 (percent)

In my own and other cultures, I can identify some favorite hobbies of different age group and why they like those hobbies.

Interpersonal Speaking View


In pairs, students will make a guess on what are the top three hobbies and sports in the class and which age group they are similar to.
(6 minutes)

I can exchange thoughts with my classmate about hobbies and sports that is closed to the age group of the target country. Review

我觉得 (I think)
你觉得呢?(How do you think?)


最 (most)
第 (auxiliary word for ordinal numbers)



In my own and other cultures, I can identify some favorite hobbies of different age group and why they like those hobbies.

Presentational Speaking View


In pairs, students will create a Prezi presentation about their guesswork and the finding of the top three hobbies/sports from previous Padlet posts. Then they present their Prezi in the class.
(30-40 minutes for preparation, 5 minutes/pairs for presentation)

I can present my guesswork and findings of the top three hobbies/sports using learned phrases and memorized expressions. New

猜测 (guess)
年龄段(age group)


我们 (we)


vocabulary of 爱好 (hobby)and 运动(sport)

In my own and other cultures, I can identify some favorite hobbies of different age group and why they like those hobbies.

Interpretive Reading View


Read the article about the the hobbies and sports of someone's parent and summarize the hobbies and sports of the author's mother and father.
(15 minutes)

I can identify and summarize the hobbies and sports of someone in a short article. New

双休日 (Saturday and Sunday off)
……比……多。(...more than... )
加入 (join)


vocabulary of sports and hobbies


vocabulary of family members

In my own and other culture, I can identify how culture is reflected in hobbies and sports.

Interpersonal Speaking View


In a group of three, students will role-play to be a father, a mother, and a child to talk about their hobbies and sports. They need to include how often they play/do the hobbies/sports and the capability of playing/doing the hobbies and sports.
(15 minutes)

I can talk about how often I do/play the hobbies/sports and the capability of playing/doing the hobbies and sports using learned phrases and memorized expressions. Review

vocabulary of sports and hobbies


vocabulary of family members


vocabulary of degree adverbs

In my own and other culture, I can identify how culture is reflected in hobbies and sports.

Presentational Writing View


In a group of three, students will write a short skit of a family talking about their hobbies and sports. They need to include how often they play/do the hobbies/sports and the capability of playing/doing the hobbies and sports in the skit.
(30-40 minutes)

I can write about how often I play/do sports/hobbies and my capability of playing/doing them. New

……比……好(...better than...)


vocabulary of sports and hobbies
vocabulary of degree adverbs


vocabulary of family members

In my own and other culture, I can identify how culture is reflected in hobbies and sports.

Materials and Other Resources This video shows how retirees in China enjoy their free time at a public park. This authentic article includes the use of degree adverbs. A list of degree adverbs A picture of the top 5 activities of three different cities in three different countries. An authentic article of sports preferences with a map by province in China.

Student Work Samples

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