Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateLow-CEFRA2 IntermediateHigh-CEFRB1
Context: Imagine you and a friend are launching a small clothing line in a Spanish-speaking country. You need to research current fashion trends by analyzing online fashion stores and articles, and you’ll also need to watch popular videos to understand how Gen-Z/Gen-Alpha teens are shaping trends. Your goal is to create an appealing line that resonates with today’s fashion-conscious audience.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions, Fashion and Clothing, Food & Meal Taking, Shopping
Levels: NoviceHigh-CEFRA1/A2 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedMid-CEFRB2/C1
The community is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. For this event, all students were asked to represent a Hispanic country. You and your peers want to buy traditional costumes and traditional dishes for this event. Students need to describe the details of the outfits, the ingredients of the plates and be able to provide the symbolism of the meaning behind each object.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Earning a Living, Fashion and Clothing, Milestones, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid-CEFRA1 IntermediateMid-CEFRA2/B1 AdvancedLow-CEFRB1/B2
You are assisting your best friend who is going to attend a job interview in China. You need to give her/him advice in choosing clothes.
Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedLow
You just rented a new apartment to welcome your family who will move to join you next week. They will live here for about three years and they just brought clothes with them. The apartment is newly renovated. You will need to buy all furniture, tools, products, and foods the whole family needs before they arrive.
Topic(s): Environmental Issues & Sustainability, Shopping
Levels: NoviceMid IntermediateMid AdvancedMid
It has come to your attention that some students in your class want to be more “green” and eco-friendly for this school year. Help to set up a system for acquiring/ inventorying a new wardrobe that is ecofriendly and represents various cultures.