Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, Food & Meal Taking
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that culture influences diet and health.
Essential Question: How does culture influence diet, especially as it pertains to what would be considered a "healthy meal" to someone?
A food blog needs some recipes and suggestions for healthy nutrition for Francophone readers.
Look at an example of France’s “Food Stairs”
French Food Stairs. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/396950154627037416/
More authentic materials.
Look at an example of France’s “Food Stairs” and label the foods you recognize on the visual.
I can identify food items in French food groups.
In a conversation with a partner, discuss the similarities and differences between nutrition with regard to food groups in France and the US.
I can discuss and compare and contrast food groups.
Create a meal plan for your partner based on likes, dislikes and France’s nutritional guidelines.
I can plan a meal based on specific restrictions in French.
Watch a clip of a French cooking show
Cooking Show" video: "3 recettes de fête saines et gourmandes!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8TbvDTuizk
Watch a clip of a French cooking show and make a list of ingredients needed. Categorize the steps on the graphic organizer.
I can identify ingredients or a recipe and categorize steps for the recipe.
With a partner, discuss the menu for a party you are planning based on your ingredient likes, dislikes and diet preferences.
I can discuss food choices and plan a menu together.
Create a cooking show video explaining how to follow a specific recipe.
I can present and describe a recipe including steps and ingredients.
Explore different regions of cuisine throughout the Francophone world.
Cuisine du monde et de nos régions, les recettes exotiques faciles et rapides - Journal des Femmes Cuisiner
Cuisine du monde et de nos régions . Amateurs de sushi, de couscous, de nems ou de curry... mais aussi de saveurs régionales, de la bouillabaisse aux recettes chtis, vous allez être servis : toutes les saveurs d'origine exotique ou tradi sont ici !
Explore different regions of cuisine throughout the Francophone world and identify traditional foods based on the region.
I can classify food items based on their region of origin.
Students will discuss the similarities and differences between Francophone and US food preferences and cuisines.
I can come to consensus with a partner about the traditional and regional foods that I prefer.
Create an interactive menu for a new concept restaurant featuring cuisines and cultural practices from Francophone regions of your choosing and their importance to the region.
I can explain traditional and typical foods across the Francophone world and the practices and perspectives behind the cuisine.