Topic(s): C. Science, Technology and the Arts, Health and Wellness
Students will understand that maintaining a balanced and healthy life includes good nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest.
adequate rest.
How do you stay healthy?
The magazine, !Hola! would like you to write a blog post in Spanish sharing your personal experiences and goals for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Students observe the announcement about a gym in Honduras and identify important details such as the gym's name, location, and services.
I can summarize important details of the gym.
Students ask each other how the announcement might differ from gym announcements in their own country.
I can ask questions about how cultural factors influence gym announcements in another country.
Students create a poster for a gym announcement in Honduras advertising the gym's name, location, opening hours, services, and contact information.
I can design a poster to advertise a gym in Honduras.
Students watch the video about Ministerio de Salud Pública – Alimentación saludable and answer true/false statements based on the information from the video.
I can identify specific details from a video and distinguish between true and false statements.
With a partner, share your Healthy Habits and discuss similarities and differences in your choices.
I can share my daily healthy habits with my partner.
Students will create a well-balanced meal plan with appropriate food choices for a chosen age group. Ensure the meal plan incorporates fruits, vegetables, proteins, and dairy or dairy alternatives.
I can create a balanced meal plan for a specific age group.
Students read an article about tips on how to stay healthy during the winter. Students will write questions comparing the winter health practices mentioned in the article with those in their own culture or country. Discuss similarities and differences and consider whether any of the tips provided are culturally specific.
I can generate questions that compare winter health practices in the article with those in my own culture or country.
Reflect on the article with a partner and share your thoughts and experiences about staying healthy during the winter. Discuss any practices mentioned in the article you already follow or any new strategies you plan to adopt.
I can express my thoughts on the importance of staying healthy during winter based on the article's insights.
Students will make an infographic discussing the benefits of staying healthy during the winter in Coahuila, Mexico.
I can create an infographic that communicates the benefits of staying healthy during the winter in Coahuila.