Science Technology and the Arts/ Social Media Featured, Open
By: Breidy Ortiz Gonsales (Queens College)
Topic(s): C. Science, Technology and the Arts

EU: Social media exposes society to both, positive and negative aspects of daily life.
EQ: What are the best practices for social media? How do we differentiate what’s positive or negative on social media?

A PhD student is doing a research for her thesis on the relevance/impact of Social Media for teenage students.

Novice Mid-CEFR A1

Impacto de las redes sociales en la sociedad: Impacto en la Sociedad (


Students will observe the picture and will compose one statement of what they are observing, and two questions based on the image.

I can infer the main idea of the picture I observed, and construct questions based on it.


Students will answer the previous two questions with a partner and discuss what’s their favorite social media.

I can justify my perspective and talk about my social media preferences.


Students will use power point to design a word cloud about their favorite social media.

I can create a word cloud and recognize words that characterized the platform of my preference.

Intermediate Mid-CEFR A2/B1

Estudio halla casi 50 efectos nocivos por uso de Facebook, Instagram y Twitter (


Students will read an article to identify and highlight negative impacts Facebook has over people.

I can comprehend and identify negative aspects of Facebook while reading an article.


With a partner students will fill out a T-chart about negative and positive impacts of Facebook. They would copy the negative ones from the article and will have to enumerate at least seven positive ones.

I can enumerate positive impacts of Facebook and differentiate them from negative ones in a T-chart with a partner.


Focusing on the useful skills Facebook provides, students will complete a Facebook marketplace template as if they were trying to sell an item on their page.

I can describe and advertised an item to sell it on Facebook marketplace and exchange details about it with possible buyers.

Intermediate High-CEFR B1

Usuarios mundiales de las redes sociales líderes en 2023 | Statista


Students will analyze a social media graphic and infer three reasons why their favorite platform has the number of users it has.

I can identify possible reasons that causes users to interact with specific platforms.


Students will discuss with a partner the previous reasons and determine which five platforms have a better impact on people to make their own graphic about them.

I can justify my reasoning and examine options with a partner based on my perspective about social media.


Students will use the internet to research and develop their own graphic about their top five social platforms. The graphic will demonstrate what percentage of teenagers use each of the platforms in 2023.

I can use the internet to investigate and navigate information to create a graphic about social platforms and teenagers use.

Student Work Samples

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