Topic(s): B. Contemporary Life, D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Government and Politics, School Life & Education
Students will understand that government and politics are impacted by cultural differences and that organization varies between countries.
How is an individual responsible for his or her contribution to government and politics? How can young adults be active in government?
The American Student Government Association is looking to expand their resources to students around the world. They would like to provide information to French speakers and would like your help.
Video from the Senegal government discussing changes being made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O80b-yR8O_w
Website full of podcast choice options
Explanation about the Assemblé nationale de France
1. Watch a video about a TL country government and write a list of components.
2.Listen to a podcast about a government and complete a checklist
3. Read an interview/ newscast transcript with a politician and create a list of governmental aspects
I can identify characteristics of governments and check which I would be interested in participating or learning more about.
Students will read articles about governments in a TL country and compare them to the US and ask questions.
I can discuss and ask questions about the 3 most evident government components and give my preference.
Create an infographic explaining what student governments do, and the various ways in which students can participate.
I can identify and describe government responsibilities and involvement.
Video from the Senegal government discussing changes being made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O80b-yR8O_w
Explanation about the Assemblé nationale de France
Student Government Information
1. Listen to a news report about proposed government changes and put the sentences describing the process in order.
2. Categorize elements of student government based on a video
3. Write 3 questions about student governments based on podcast transcript.
I can organize the characteristics of government based on cultural information.
Student will talk with a partner and discuss similarities and differences about governments based on what they read and saw. Students will ask one another about their preferences and personal interests in government.
I can exchange information with a peer and compare personal interests in government.
Create an advertisement encouraging students to become more involved in the student government in their school.
I can create an advertisement for students
Video from the Senegal government discussing changes being made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O80b-yR8O_w
Organization of the Swiss government
Importance of student vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w8dCYu52RA
Information in French about an American student body https://www.umflint.edu/fr/sg/
1. Explore different YouTube videos from various TL countries and list similarities and differences in sentences on a chart.
2. Compare advantages and disadvantages after watching videos showing multiple types of student govt. from various places.
3. Listen to a news report & identify key characteristics of student governments and compare and contrast them on a venn diagram to their own.
I can create trivia questions about various types of government.
Students debate about which government programs are preferable and why.
I can explain the benefits and or disadvantages of an governmental program and discuss the need for civic engagement.
Make a presentation about government practices as they relate to students and school environments.
I can create a presentation that explains different approaches to government and practices.