Topic(s): E. Religion, Myths & Legends, Folklore, Traditional stories
EU: Legends are part of the cultural identity of a community
EQ: How does “La leyenda de el Dorado” reflect the lifestyle, beliefs and rituals of the indigenous Colombian people
EQ: How do gold and gold artifacts continue being a fundamental part of the Colombian society
The Gold Museum in Bogotá, Colombia houses more than 34.000 pre-Colombian gold relics, which is the largest collection in the world. The museum is promulgating “La Leyenda de el Dorado” among tourists with its newest exhibition. For this reason, students are invited to create their own work inspired by the Colombian tribe and their own culture.
Video illustrates the legend
Students will watch the video of “Guatavita, La leyenda del Dorado”. Then, they will have to match the description of the object with the image.
I can identify jewelry and artifacts used by the Colombian Indigenous people.
Students will choose images from a bag and they will have to ask and answer questions about the object: “¿Qué es esto, Y cómo se usa?” Students will do a rotation activity.
I can request and provide information about the pre-Colombian artifacts.
Students will create their own jewelry and artifacts inspired by the Colombian tribe and their own culture. The students will describe their favorite artifacts to the audience.
I can describe artifacts.
I can express my favorite pre-Colombian artifacts.
Video illustrates the legend
Students will watch the video of “Guatavita, La leyenda del Dorado” . Students will complete a chart with actions before , during and after the pre-Colombian ritual.
I can understand the main actions made by the members of the pre-Colombian tribe.
By pairs, students will organize strips of paper with the main events of the Legend. They will have to identify which action is first, second and so on.
I can interact with others to outline events from “La leyenda de el Dorado.”
Students will create a comic strip version of the Legend that will be uploaded to the website of “El museo de Oro” to promote the new exhibition.
I can describe the main events of “La Leyenda del Dorado.”
Video explains the impact of the legend during the colonization period
Students will watch the video “ El Dorado, ciudad de oro Perdida.” They will describe details understood under the categories given by the teacher in a graphic organizer.
I can understand main ideas and key information of the value of gold before and after the colonization of Colombia.
Students will walk through an infographic gallery wall about the role of gold as a federal reserve nowadays. In a student A and student B activity, they will share the information learned.
I can exchange information and ideas about the value of gold as a federal reserve.
Students will create a video using the iMovie app, where they will explain the role of the gold before and after the colonization. Also, they will explain the importance of the gold as a country federal reserve.
I can deliver a presentation on the role of the gold before and after the colonization.