Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions
Enduring Understanding:
Chuseok is an important holiday that gives Koreans solidarity with their families and relatives.
Chuseok's food, traditions, and various activities have similarities and differences with Thanksgiving.
Essential Questions: How is the Chuseok holiday related to the community?
Middle or high school students will volunteer for the Chuseok Festival in New Jersey and help prepare for the festival with the staff.
Cartoon video about folk games on Chuseok.
Chuseok festival promotion poster
Based on the poster and the video, students will answer questions about the Chuseok Festival and select three folk games from the festival they want to participate in.
I can identify Chuseok festival information, such as the date and place, and choose the folk activities that I want to do.
Students will ask and answer questions about the date, place, and events of the Chuseok Festival, including which activities they want to participate in.
I can exchange information about the Chuseok Festival and the folk games that I want to play.
Students will make infographic posters for the Chuseok Festival at school. This will include the date, place, and activities of the festival.
I can present the date, place, and events of the Chuseok Festival through a promotional poster of the festival.
KBN news about Chuseok festival
Storybook of Sori's Chusesok Celebration
Students will watch local news about the Chuseok Festival and an online storybook about Chuseok practices. Then they write down activities that participants enjoy during the Festival.
I can make a list of activities for the Chuseok Festival using local news and a storybook relating to Chuseok.
Students will share their opinions on activities that participants enjoy at the Chuseok Festival based on the founded information.
I can exchange information about Chuseok practices to decide on which booths to participate in in the Chuseok Festival.
Students will make a video promoting the Chuseok Festival. It includes the location, date, time, activities, and information about the performances.
I can create a short promotional video for Chuseok Festival.
KBN news about Chuseok festival
Harvest festivals around the worlds
Students will watch videos about Chuseok Festival in NJ and harvest holidays worldwide and summarize how each country celebrates the holiday.
I can summarize the characteristics of each harvest festival in order to compare it with Chuseok from the videos.
Students will share their collected information about harvest festivals of other countries by comparing and contrasting with Chuseok.
I can exchange information about similarities and differences in how to celebrate harvest festivals in other countries.
Students will create a brochure for Chuseok Festival visitors from various countries. The brochure will include how Korean people celebrate Chuseok by showing the differences and similarities of other harvest holidays
I can create a brochure of Chuseok with a comparison with Thanksgiving and/or other harvest holidays.