Topic(s): Heroes
EU: Every hero is a human, but not every human is a hero.
EU: Significant people and their actions become legends.
EU: Every hero is a human, but not every human is a hero.
EU: Every true hero is a patriot of her/his/their country.
EU: Bravery, respect for labor, love for the home country drive heroes’ actions.
EU: Heroes’ qualities and values are intercultural.
EQ: What makes someone a hero?
EQ: What does a day in the life of a hero look like?
EQ: What are heroes' values and beliefs?
Students explore one day of Yuriy Gagarin's life and create stories and songs about American heroes.
In the cartoon "Once our cosmonauts" by artist Galina Golubeva, you will hear the voice of Yuriy Gagarin, hear a song composed by members of the folklore ensemble of the village of Verkhnyaya Pokrovka, Belgorod Region. Soloist - Maria Timofeevna Yakovenko.
Who are the cartoon characters and how did they spend April 12, 1961? Place cards with the sentences in the correct order according to the cartoon and the song.
I can infer meaning from the cartoon and song about astronauts.
Discuss with your classmates what events described in the cartoon and the song actually happened on April 12, 1961?
I can discuss one day of an astronaut's life.
I can analyze the song.
Create and present a song about Neil Armstrong's day when he stepped on the Moon.
I can create a song describing a day of an American hero's life.
In the cartoon " Once our cosmonauts" by artist Galina Golubeva, you will hear the voice of Yuri Gagarin, hear a song composed by members of the folklore ensemble of the village of Verkhnyaya Pokrovka, Belgorod Region. Soloist - Maria Timofeevna Yakovenko.
What elements of the story are creative imaginations and what happened in real life? List these elements in two tables.
I can differentiate between real and imaginative elements of the story.
Discuss your findings and come up with the real story that happened to Yuriy Gagarin on April 12, 1961.
I can investigate what makes a person a hero.
Create a story describing a day of an American hero's life.
I can create a story describing a day of an American hero's life.
In the cartoon "Once our cosmonauts" by artist Galina Golubeva, you will hear the voice of Yuri Gagarin, hear a song composed by members of the folklore ensemble of the village of Verkhnyaya Pokrovka, Belgorod Region. Soloist - Maria Timofeevna Yakovenko.
Write down the sequence of events taking place in the cartoon. Underline real events and facts in blue, fictional ones in red. What elements of this story make it a legend?
I can infer meaning from the cartoon and song about astronauts.
I can classify real and fictional events.
I can define legend's key features.
Discuss your findings and try to find a rationale behind the author's choices. Why are there three characters? Why did she use the traditional Russian style for the cartoon?
I can explain the author's choices.
I can investigate a legend's key features.
Create an iMovie and a song about a day in the life of any real-life hero in the form of a legend.
I can create an iMovie and a song describing a day in the life of an American hero.
I can create a legend.