Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Family Life
Diversity in today’s family includes differences in their traditions and values.
How do our families change?
Why do some circumstances impact these changes more than others?
An Italian TV show is seeking participants that will introduce their own families and find some differences and similarities with the Italian host family.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SppVDKDc0 Video:
“La famiglia di Sara”
Students will watch a video describing an Italian family and answer questions.
I can recognize names of the family members when I hear or see it.
Students will ask his or her partner some questions about the Italian lecture and compare their family members with their family members shown in the video.
I can share and engage in simple conversations about my family.
Students will create a flip grid video and introduce their entire family. Describe their physical characteristics and the professions of each of their family members.
I can present information about my family in the target language.
La famiglia italiana dalla riforma del 1975 a oggi
Come è cambiata la famiglia italiana?
Students will read the article and underline the new names and adjectives related to the family’s member.
I can understand the main idea and key information about the traditional Italian family.
Students will discuss with a partner different relatives from either the father’s side or mother’s side of the family and also discuss which generation the relative belongs to.
I can participate in conversations about the relationships of relatives in my whole family.
Students will create a family tree for 3 generations which includes details of all the family. Present your Family tree poster.
I can present my whole family with different generations to an Italian audience.
Video: “La famiglia italiana oggi.
Video: La famiglia italiana, ieri e oggi -
How different is the Italian family today?”
Students will watch and listen to these videos, then create a Venn Diagram. about the new different trends that recently developed in the Italian family.
I can understand the main message and support details and comparisons with the Venn Diagram bout the differences of Italian families today.
Students will discuss with their partners main facts that have changed in the traditional Italian family.
I can converse comfortably with others from the target culture about the forecasts of the resident population in Italy.
Write an Essay discussing the evolving cultural changes including the differences and similarities between Italian and American families. Explain with details in what way your family can be similar or different to an Italian family in order to win a trip to Italy sponsored by an Italian TV show.
I can write an essay and express differences and similarities between Italian families and my own family.