Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Featured, Open
By: Minyoung Lee (Melrose School/ South Bronx Academy Applied)
Topic(s): A. Identity & Social Relationships, Celebrations, Customs, & Traditions
Performance Target: Novice High-CEFR A1/A2

Stage 1: What are the Desired Result? (Culture Standard)
Unit Overview

Chuseok, or Korean Thanksgiving Day, is one of the biggest and most important holidays in Korea. In this unit, students will explore how Koreans celebrate Chuseok: Chuseok's foods, traditional folk games, family gathering and family terms, and compare and contrast between Chuseok and Thanksgiving, or a similar harvest festival.

Enduring Understanding

Chuseok is an important holiday that gives Koreans bonding time with their families and relatives though traditional customs.

Essential Questions

Why is Chuseok important to Koreans?

How do traditional customs of Chuseok affect family bonds?

How do harvest festivals change with the times?

How is Chuseok different from other countries’ harvest festivals?

Intercultural Competence

In my own and other cultures, I can compare the similarities and differences of Chuseok and Thanksgiving.
I can introduce and explain how people celebrate Chuseok and how they are valued in the target culture.

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Communication Standard)
Context for the Summative Performance Assessment

Middle or high school students will volunteer for the Chuseok Festival in New Jersey and assist in preparing for the festival with the staff. For the participants in the festival, the students will introduce various activities related to Chuseok to the participants and help them experience it.

Summative Performance Assessment

Students will collect information about the origin, food, games, rituals, and clothing of Chuseok from websites, videos, or brochures in order to prepare for the Chuseok Festival in NJ.


Students exchange collected information in order to prepare booths where festival attendees can learn and experience rites, food, games and traditional clothing of Chuseok.


Students in each group will create a video or PowerPoint presentation to promote the Chuseok festival related to their booths.

Communicative Mode
Authentic Material URL
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) Intercultural Competence Can do
Interpretive Viewing
I can identify the topic and some isolated facts from simple sentences in informational texts. I can understand a video about how Koreans celebrate Chuseok and summarize using sentence frames. I can understand how Korean celebrate Chuseok.

Interpersonal speaking
I can interact with others to meet my basic needs related to routine everyday activities, using simple sentences and questions most of the time. Using the given information, I can choose customs of Chuseok that I want to experience and talk about how they are similar to and different from those of Thanksgiving in the U.S. I can talk about Chuseok customs that I want to experience and compare it to similar Thanksgiving customs.

Presentational writing
I can present on familiar and everyday topics, using simple sentences most of the time. For Chuseok Festival attendees who are not familiar with Korean culture, I can create an infographic explaining the customs of Chuseok by comparing to those of Thanksgiving. I can compare customs of Chuseok and Thanksgiving by making an infographic.

Stage 3: Learning Experiences and Instruction (Connections-Comparisons-Communities Standard)
Communicative Mode
Formative Assessments during the lessons, aligning Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) Language, culture, content for each task Intercultural Competence Can Do's
Interpretive Viewing Watch


While students watch a video on Chuseok's representative foods, they will write a list of foods and decide which food they want to eat and cook the most.
(20 minutes)

I can identify traditional foods related to Chuseok from a video. Review

먹어요, 먹고 싶어요.


N+ 을/ 를 objective article


Name of food related to Chuseok (송편, 전, 갈비, etc)

I can identify the traditional Korean foods of Chuseok.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students share their food choices with their group members. Students vote on which food(s) they want to eat the most.
( 20 minutes )

In a group, I can have a discussion in order to choose the food I want to cook on Chuseok. Review

Descriptive words (color, flavor, taste)


~ 고 싶어요. ( want to)


Name of Chuseok food

I can share the traditional Korean foods I want to cook on Chuseok with my partner.

Presentational Writing Watch


The group members with the same chosen foods gather and read the recipe together while making a shopping list.
( 30 minutes )

I can create shopping list using the recipe that I want to use. Review

가요. 사요


~을/ 를 objective article


words of ingredients (당근, 고기, 파, 양파, 마늘)

I can write about the ingredients of Chuseok foods.

Interpretive Viewing Watch


Students will watch a video on Yutnori's origin, its materials, and its symbols and complete a handout.
( 15 minutes )

I can identify information on the traditional games of Chuseok from the video. Review

action verb


Noun+ 을/를 (objective pariticle)


Vocabulary related to Yutnori: 던져요, 가요, 잡아요, 다시해요, 윷, 말판, 도/개/걸/윷/모

I can understand Yutnori's rules, origin, required materials, and its symbolisms.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students will exchange rules based on the video they watch on the origin of Yutnori and its game rules, and they will compare and contrast Yuntnori with the Trouble board game in U. S. (30 mintues) : How to play original Trouble board game

I can ask and answer questions about Yutrnoi rules and its origin and materials. Review

Korean natural number(하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯)


Noun+을/를 ( objective particle)


Vocabulary related to Yutnori: 던져요, 가요, 잡아요, 다시해요, 윷, 말판, 도/개/걸/윷/모

I can talk about Yutnori's rules, origin, required materials, and its symbolism.

Presentational Writing Watch


Students will create an infographic about Yutnori rules and its origins, comparing it to a board game in the United States or their own country.
Students can work on Jamboard, Google slides and Padlet with their group members.
( 30 minutes )

I can create an infographic to introduce Yutnori. Review

Korean natural number(하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯)


Noun+을/를 (objective particle)


Vocabulary related to Yutnori: 던져요, 가요, 잡아요, 다시해요, 잡아요, 윷, 말판, 도/개/걸/윷/모

I can write about Yutnori rules, its origin, and materials for the game.

Interpretive Viewing Watch


Students will do jigsaw activity about the traditional games of Chuesok. Students in each expert group will watch a video or read a short article about one of traditional games related to Chuseok and talk about their game.
( 15 minutes )

I can identify Korean traditional games related to Chuseok. Review

Name of game + 해요


Noun+object particle "을/를"
Noun+subject particle "이/가"


Korean traditional games related to Chuseok (줄다리기, 제기차기, 윷놀이, 씨름, 강강술래)

I can identify Korean traditional games related to Chuseok.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students will go back to their jigsaw group and talk about the game they studied in an expert group to group members.
( 15 minutes )

I can ask and answer about the games that Koreans enjoy on Chuseok that I have learned about in the expert group. Review

Name of game + 해요.


Noun+object partice "을/를"


줄다리기 tug-of-war, 제기차기 Jegi kick
윷놀이 Yutnori, 씨름 Korean traditional wrestling
강강술래 Ganggangsullae

I can talk about traditional games that Koreans enjoy on Chuseok.

Presentational Writing Watch


All group members write descriptions with images of the game they studied in the expert group to make a group infographic.
( 30 minutes )

I can make an infographic about games played on Chuseok as a jigsaw group. Review

Name of game + 해요.


Noun+object partice "을/를"


Name of traditional games regarding Chuseok

I can write about the traditional games that Koreans enjoy on Chuseok.

Interpretive Viewing Watch


Students will watch a informative video related to extended family members and complete a handout.

( 15 minutes )

I can name and recognize vocabulary words of different family members and relatives. Review

이 사람은______예요.


Noun consonant ending +이에요.
Noun vowel ending +예요


family terms -how to address relatives & extended family.

I can understand that family terms reflect the social and family hierarchy.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students will converse about personal information with their partner in order to practice introducing themselves to their extended family and relatives.
( 15 minutes )

I can exchange personal information, such as name, age, grade, school, place of residence. Review

Expressions asking for personal information (name, age, grade, school, place of residence, etc)


은/는 (topic particle)


family terms -how to address relatives & extended family.

I can talk to adults in accordance with the etiquette of the target culture.

Presentational Writing Watch


Students will create a fantasy family tree and write introductions of family members that include personal information such as name, age, birthday, place of residence, job, etc). There may be students who may be reluctant to introduce their families, so students may create a family tree for a fantasy family or future family.
( 30 minutes )

I can create an imagined family tree diagram and write introductions of family members that include their personal information. Review

Expressions asking for personal information (name, age, grade, school, place of residence, job, etc)


은/는 (topic particle)


family terms -how to address relatives & extended family.

I can know when to use etiquette of the target culture when talking about personal info.

Interpretive Viewing Watch


Students will watch a video about how people celebrate Chuseok and summarize the information using sentence frames.
( 15 minutes )

I can identify information about Chuseok from a video. Review

Compare and contrast word


topic particle "은/는"
object partice "을/를"


Facts and information about Chuseok (N)

I can identify and understand how Korean people celebrate Chuseok.

Interpersonal Speaking Watch


Students, in a group, will share about how Korean celebrate Chuseok.
( 15 minutes )

I can ask and answer questions about how Korean celebrate Chuseok. Review

action verbs (eat, do, go, see)


topic particle "은/는"
object partice "을/를"


Facts and information about Chuseok

I can share Chuseok customs on food, family gathering, traditional games, and rites.

Presentational Writing Watch


Students will use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast Chuseok and Thanksgiving or a similar/ harvest festival of their own culture.
( 15 minutes )

I can compare and contrast Chuseok and Thanksgiving or a similar harvest festival. Review

Facts and information about Chuseok (N)


topic particle "은/는"
object partice "을/를"


Words of Chuseok's custom (차례, 성묘, 송편)

I can write about the similarities and differences between Chuseok and Thanksgiving or a similar harvest festival.

Materials and Other Resources

Harvest festivals in other countries

About Chuseok

The Chuseok story of Sori

How to play Yutnori

Origin of Yutnori

Traditional games of Chuseok

News about Chuseok

Family terms.

The foods of Chuseok

Chuseok Festival in NJ

How to play the original Trouble board game

Student Work Samples

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