Topic(s): D. Global Awareness & Community Engagement, Environmental Issues & Sustainability
Performance Target: Intermediate High-CEFR B1
The recycling program is used as a method of keeping the environment clean for people and wildlife. In this unit, students will investigate how recycling programs impact our lives and communities to improve environmental issues through a variety of tasks.
The recycling program is one of the important methods of keeping the environment clean.
Recycling programs improve both economic and environmental issues.
Recycling regulations may differ from country to country based on their culture, value, and belief.
Proper waste disposal is the responsibility of all the members of the community, not the individual.
What is a recycling program?
How does the recycling program benefit or improve environmental issues?
Who is responsible for recycling?
How do we encourage responsibility?
How does culture determine incentives for those participate in the recycling program?
How do we encourage responsibility toward to recycling program?
Should recycling be mandatory or voluntary to address environmental issues?
How does culture determine incentives for those who participate in the recycling program?
In 1995, as a way to reduce the rapidly increasing amount of garbage, South Korea devised a method of purchasing and disposing of designated garbage bags. This law was implemented with the principle that the polluter should bear the cost of restoration and damage caused by environmental destruction or pollution.
Waste management and recycling program in Korea are strict and mandatory by law. Therefore, it is important to learn about Korea's recycling programs to avoid any unlawful action.
COVID-19 has worsened the waste and recycling programs around the world. You have been chosen by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency to travel to Korea, the second-highest recycling country among the OECD country and study how recycling can benefit our community and the environment.
Students determine how the recycling program affects or benefits the environmental issues.
Students debate mandatory .vs voluntary recycling programs by supporting their ideas, opinions, and thoughts using evidence.
Students write a letter to encourage neighbors or the community to participate in the recycling program.
Communicative Mode |
Formative Assessments during the lessons, aligning Connections, Comparisons and Communities. | Performance Assessment Student Statements(PASS) | Language, culture, content for each task | Intercultural Competence Can Do's | |
Interpretive Reading |
View Connections Students make a list of recyclable and non-recyclable wastes. |
I can identify the recyclable and non-recyclable wastes. |
New 분리 separation, 배출dispose, 폐 waste 플라스틱 Plastic , 비닐 vinyl, 캔 Can, 책 book, 종이 paper ~류 a class, group, classify (종이류, 플라스틱류, 책자류, 비닐류) |
I can compare how recyclable items/wastes differ between Korea and the US. | |
Presentational Speaking |
View Comparison I can recycle household wastes followed by the regulations. |
I can explain the recycling regulations. |
Review Household items. ~한 뒤 Different speech levels. ~요. ~합니다. |
I can explain how recycling regulations differ or are similar between Korea and the US. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View Comparison Students share how they recycle household waste at home. |
I can explain how I recycle household wastes. |
Review Recyclable objects: 플라스틱Plastic, 종이paper, 병bottle, 캔 can, Verbs: 비우다 empty, 헹구다 rinse, 제거하다 remove, 찌그러트리기 crush ~기: a suffix which lets you create a noun (roughly = -ing) from a verb/adjective. |
I can explain how Koreans recycle household wastes. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
View Communities What are the economic benefits of recycling programs? |
I can identify how much profit can generate from the recycling program. |
Review Household items/wastes. -하면: verb connective forms 이익profit |
I can explain how the recycling program benefits the environment and economic factors. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View Communities Students explore the decomposition period of recycling and its positive effects. |
I can share the advantage of the recycling program. |
Review Time frame, Household items/wastes, units(liter, Kg, kw, watt, ton) ~ 수 (~할 수) Speech level:~니다 |
I can share about the recycling culture and how it benefits Korean society. | |
Presentational Speaking |
View Comparison Students express their opinion and ideas about the recycling program. |
I can express my opinions on the recycling program with supporting evidence. |
Review Household items/wastes. Descriptive adjectives. Past tense. Future tense. |
I can understand how cultural factors and beliefs influence recycling programs. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
View Communities Recycling is the process of converting waste into reusable material. There are many everyday products made from recycled materials. For example, used papers can become new papers/notebooks, used milk cartons can turn into toilet papers, and used plastic bottles to fabrics/clothes. |
I can make a list of products/items made from recycled wastes. |
Review List of recyclable household wastes. Future tense: ~할 수, 만들 수 재탄생, Speech level |
I can identify how wastes can be recycled and turned into new things through the Korean recycling program. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View Connections Recommend items made from recycled materials to encourage someone to participate in the recycling program. |
I can encourage someone to participate in the recycling program by introducing products made from recycled materials. |
Review Household items/wastes. Future tense: ~할 수, 만들 수 재탄생, Speech level |
I can identify how wastes can be recycled and turned into new things through the Korean recycling program. | |
Presentational Writing |
View Communities Write a letter to explain the products made from recycled materials and encourage communities to participate in recycling programs. |
I can write a letter to encourage my community to participate in recycling programs. |
Review List of recyclable household wastes. Future tense: ~할 수, 만들 수 재탄생, Speech level |
I can explain the Korean recycling program and how household wastes can be turned into new products. | |
Interpretive Reading |
View Comparison In 1995, South Korea devised a method of purchasing and disposing of designated garbage bags to reduce the garbages. This law was implemented with the principle that the polluter should bear the cost of restoration and damage caused by environmental destruction or pollution. |
I can identify how and why Koreans have strict recycling programs. |
Review Recyclable and non- recyclable wastes. 종량제, 수수료, 원칙, 의의 Particles |
I can identify the value of recycling programs in Korea. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View Comparison In 1995, South Korea devised a method of purchasing and disposing of designated garbage bags to reduce the garbages. This law was implemented with the principle that the polluter should bear the cost of restoration and damage caused by environmental destruction or pollution. |
I can share my personal thoughts on designated garbage bags needed to purchase when disposing of trash in Korea. |
Review Opinion words and phrases. Opinion clues: Transition words |
I can compare how recycling methods differ between Korea and the US | |
Presentational Speaking |
View Communities In 1995, South Korea devised a method of purchasing and disposing of designated garbage bags to reduce the garbages. This law was implemented with the principle that the polluter should bear the cost of restoration and damage caused by environmental destruction or pollution. |
I can deliver a speech about how Korea's recycling culture has developed. |
Review Opinion words and phrases. Opinion clues Transition words |
I can broaden my understanding of the recycling culture that differs from country to country. | |
Interpretive Reading |
View Connections Students share how they have been recycling at home and make a better recycling plan for the future. |
I can provide a list of recycling methods that I have been practicing. |
Review Past tense and future tense. Opinion words and phrases. Transition words |
I compare the recycling method I have practiced with the recycling method in Korea. | |
Interpersonal Speaking |
View Comparison Recycling programs are affected significantly as the use of single-use plastic increases due to the COVID-19. |
I can share my personal thoughts on reducing the use of single-use plastic or disposal items. |
Review Past tense and future tense. Household items. Opinion words and phrases. |
I can explain how COVID-19 affects the recycling program around the world. | |
Presentational Writing |
View Communities Participation in recycling programs is important for the environment and reducing economic loss. |
I can create a poster to explain my recycling plan and encourage readers to participate in the program. |
Review Household items/wastes. Future tense. Speech level. |
I can understand how individual's' culture, tradition, and beliefs relate to recycling programs. | |
Interpretive Viewing |
View Communities Many countries encourage people to recycle through incentives. In the United States, there is an incentive program that gives you 5 cents back when you bring a used plastic or glass bottle. In Korea, if you bring used milk cartons, used batteries, or used paper cups to the community center, they will exchange them for toilet paper, new batteries, or designated garbage bags. |
I can describe how incentives encourage people to participate in the recycling program. |
Review Recyclable objects Household Items 교환 exchange, 장려 encourage, 인센티브 incentive, 주민센터 community center |
I can explain the recycling incentive programs implemented in each country. |