Articulated Assessment Transfer Tasks or AATT (Eddy, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020, 2022) is an assessment design model created for and aligned with the world language articulated curriculum design framework (UCADAPT/ICANADAPT) in the Queens College World Language Education program. This design has been presented at conferences in the US and internationally.
The original design model was later modified for use during professional learning workshops with New York State (NYSAPAT), to help teachers develop tasks in preparation for the revised checkpoint ranges: Checkpoint A: Novice Mid-High (graduation requirement), Checkpoint B: Intermediate Low-Mid (advanced designation), and Checkpoint C: Intermediate Mid-High. Intermediate High is the level set for Seal of Biliteracy. If you are a NYS World Language teacher, you can design an AATT for the Checkpoint Levels or select any three levels you wish.